We had such a great time at Canyon's halloween party. He was so excited that all his friends were able to come. I was so prepared and had activities planned down to the minute but all that fly's out the window when you have a house full of little boys. It was insane when all the kids were arriving, they were soooo excited. So instead of playing Bingo first we played halloween twister to get our wiggles out. Next we played Bingo and Pratt won both times. A lot of the kids were more interested in eating their candy corns they were using to mark the game board than with playing. It was time for a treat next so I served some minnie PB&J sandwiches, chips, and punch with the ice hand. The fingers fell off the hand and all the boys wanted an ice finger in their cup. Now it was time for the witches lair. I took them into the lair in two groups. Half of the kids were a little nervous about the dark atmosphere so I took them in second with the lights on. After they seen it with lights on they weren't scared anymore and thought it was cool in the dark. They were also able to guess what everything was in the bowls. They liked the liver best. After that I broke out the balloons and we just tried to keep them all from touching the ground. Lots of fun, very loud, and I'm just glad no one got hurt. We finished up by playing duck, duck, goose, but we called it pumpkin, pumpkin, bat. It's funny how such a simple little game is so amusing to children. All in all the party was a success. As for next year, I'm taking a break.