Thursday, May 27, 2010

Third times a charm....I hope.

I have a serious illness, I paint...and paint...and paint. Maybe you remember this project from a few months ago. Well, I decided that I didn't love the red. I thought it was just too dark. So yesterday I painted it this bright red and put new silver hardware on it. But I just didn't LOVE it so this morning.......
I painted it again!!! I had some "heirloom white" spray paint that I had used from another project (which I will post about later) and some left over pretty green paint from years ago. I think I LOVE it.
It drives my mom AND husband crazy that I am constantly thinking "PAINT". But hey, there are much worse things right? And paint is cheap!


Hancey said...

You are so cute and creative!!!!! I LOVE the white and green it is def. my personal fav!

Rachel said...

Paint is SO MUCH cheaper than therapy! And I think the heriloom is my favorite, as well. Well done. Man...I need to get you down here to host one of my Super Saturday craft classes. You'd be a hit, I'm sure! :)

Lacey Sue said...

I thought it was hot red...but I must admit I like the white/green look even better! Paint on dear friend, paint on!