Monday, August 17, 2009

Project Yard

So, I have this dream of transforming my backyard into a beautiful yard/garden. Nothing too fancy or formal, more whimsical and natural. There is just soooo much work to do. I'm feeling ambitious though so I'm going to start working every morning to whip this place into shape. I've made a "To Do" list and hopefully by next summer it will be complete.

1. Tarp Under the Rocks

We have a path on the lower level of our yard which leads to a firepit.

Each year the rocks on each side of the path are consumed with morning glory. I've done everything I can to try to beat this nasty weed. I've sprayed them with RoundUp several times, pulled them, burned them, but cannot win the battle.

We even planted myrtle to choke the weed out but as you can see the morning glory would not give in.

So I have been moving the rock by hand and putting down a super thick tarp underneath as a weed barrier. I'm about half-way done and it has been so much work but is so worth it.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I hear ya! Yards are the worst...but can be the best in the end (and after all the sweat and stress)! This year we finished a ton...but still have a bit to go. We used that big Weed B Gon sprayer at Costco and then put down Preen...not perfect but it bought us some time. Try that maybe...Good Luck!