The theme for this years annual Christmas Eve party was "Redneck." Everyone dressed up and just had a blast. Robbie's costume really was the best. Just look at his shorts. The food was served off an ironing board in cool whip containers and coffee cans. We all took redneck gifts. I made earrings out of tree car fresheners, Robbie took a jar of beans and called it "Redneck Bubble Bath." There are so many silly pictures to post but I don't want to embarrass anyone.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Annual Anderson Christmas Eve Party
The theme for this years annual Christmas Eve party was "Redneck." Everyone dressed up and just had a blast. Robbie's costume really was the best. Just look at his shorts. The food was served off an ironing board in cool whip containers and coffee cans. We all took redneck gifts. I made earrings out of tree car fresheners, Robbie took a jar of beans and called it "Redneck Bubble Bath." There are so many silly pictures to post but I don't want to embarrass anyone.
The Eve of Christmas Eve
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I Have A Biter
Poor little Rocky gets the brunt of everything. Either Canyon is picking on him or Sawyer won't leave him alone. Last week I noticed these little red scabbed spots on his back and I asked him what happened. He said "Soyo" did it. I didn't think it looked like anything Sawyer could do so I figured the cat had clawed him or something. Later that day I witnessed Sawyer latching onto Rocky's back, pulling him in close, and biting him. This morning Rocky was bitten again on the arm over a fight with the Cocoa Pebbles. How can I stop this? Canyon went through a biting stage when he was almost three, he had several time outs and finally I just bit him back. Not hard enough to break skin, just hard enough that he realized it didn't feel good. He never bit again after that. But Sawyer is only one and so I don't know how to make him understand that he can't do that. The little stinker. He is my Dennis the Menace.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Mean Mommy
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I feel terrible. My sinuses are giving me much trouble. I could not sleep all night. Every once in a while I would wake up gasping for air because I couldn't breath. I'm breaking out the humidifier today and hopefully that will help. Oh how I wish I could have a pepsi right now.
Friday, December 12, 2008
My name is Mindy and I'm a pepsiholic. I have got to quit drinking this stuff. Since I've had the third child I have become dependent on savoring a can, or two, or three, of pepsi every day. A couple of weeks ago I stopped buying my twelve packs but with a Maverick next door the temptation is just too great. In the past I've drank Dr. Pepper with no prob. There is just something in that pepsi that takes over my brain. So as I type I'm enjoying my last pepsi. Well, I'll just say that after this all my pepsi's will be diet.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
IDentity Christmas Party
Last night we went to the salons Christmas party. We had a great time and guess who showed up!?! Santa Claus. All the kids got gifts and sat on his lap. When Santa asked Canyon what he wanted for Christmas he said he hadn't decided yet. Whatever! He's circled every single item in the Toys R Us ad, except for the pink pages. I wish my pictures would have turned out better.
Monday, December 8, 2008
My Little Butterball
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Temple Square Lights
We all went to Temple Square this week with the Palmer's to see the lights. The weather was great, not too cold. Unfortunately, my kids were not as great as the weather. Rocky fell asleep on the way in so when we woke him up when we arrived, he was not happy. He would not walk, or ride in the wagon and only wanted me to carry him. At least I got a good workout, he's heavy. Canyon complained that he had a belly ache and threw up at "The Spaghetti Factory" when we went to eat. So me and Robbie took our food home in boxes and left early. Why can't everything go perfectly like I imagine it in my head?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Benson Grist Mill
Today we went to the Benson Grist Mill. They were doing carriage rides and Santa Claus was there so we took the boys. Our friends Brandon and Janelle were there with their son Hunter and they rode with us ont he carriage ride. Canyon was brave this year and sat on Santa's lap. Rocky didn't want anything to do with him and Sawyer sat on his lap with his lip puckered. My camera went dead before I could get a picture with him and Santa but we'll see him again this year.
Four Christmases
This movie is really funny. I went to it Friday night with Jeanie, Kami, Amy, and Kathy. We all laughed throughout the whole thing. I might even go to it again and take Robbie. I wouldn't take your kids to it but it's a good date night movie.
BIG Puppy
Christmas Shopping
December is always a busy month for us with holiday parties pretty much every weekend so this year I finished up all my shopping before Thanksgiving. It feels great. I'm so excited because I can just stay home on the weekends and make some memories with my kids. I'm obsessed with baking homemade goodies this year. I want to make sugar cookies, peanut brittle, cinnamon rolls, fudge(never done that before). I might try one each Saturday. That will fill the month. If you have any good holiday recipes, please share.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I'm Back
It's been forever since I've posted, I know. I've been a little lazy when it comes to the blog these days. I wish I had some cute pictures of my boys from Halloween but they were just not having the camera that night. I was going to dress them up one day when they're in a good mood and take some group pictures but that still hasn't happened yet.
Over the weekend Robbie competed in a grappling tournament in Orem and took second place. If you're wondering what grappling is, it's sort of like wrestling but there is no time limits or points kept. You just go until you get a submission hold and get the other person to "tap out." It was really fun. The next tournament is in May and he is ready to go back and win gold.
Over the weekend Robbie competed in a grappling tournament in Orem and took second place. If you're wondering what grappling is, it's sort of like wrestling but there is no time limits or points kept. You just go until you get a submission hold and get the other person to "tap out." It was really fun. The next tournament is in May and he is ready to go back and win gold.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Long Time No Post
Sorry. We're having internet complications at our house. Our new puppy chewed up the internet wire. Come visit again in about a week.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Halloween Bash Was A Smash!

We had such a great time at Canyon's halloween party. He was so excited that all his friends were able to come. I was so prepared and had activities planned down to the minute but all that fly's out the window when you have a house full of little boys. It was insane when all the kids were arriving, they were soooo excited. So instead of playing Bingo first we played halloween twister to get our wiggles out. Next we played Bingo and Pratt won both times. A lot of the kids were more interested in eating their candy corns they were using to mark the game board than with playing. It was time for a treat next so I served some minnie PB&J sandwiches, chips, and punch with the ice hand. The fingers fell off the hand and all the boys wanted an ice finger in their cup. Now it was time for the witches lair. I took them into the lair in two groups. Half of the kids were a little nervous about the dark atmosphere so I took them in second with the lights on. After they seen it with lights on they weren't scared anymore and thought it was cool in the dark. They were also able to guess what everything was in the bowls. They liked the liver best. After that I broke out the balloons and we just tried to keep them all from touching the ground. Lots of fun, very loud, and I'm just glad no one got hurt. We finished up by playing duck, duck, goose, but we called it pumpkin, pumpkin, bat. It's funny how such a simple little game is so amusing to children. All in all the party was a success. As for next year, I'm taking a break.
Halloween Party Prep

So all week I've been planning this halloween party. I tried to go all out. I hung streamers from the ceiling and even turned our playroom into the witches lair. The witches lair was great. You'd have to see it with the lights out, the dry ice smoking, the candles burning, and the creepy music playing. I had all the ingredients for the witches brew. Fingers(carrots), teeth(broken chalk), intestines(spaghetti), brains(spiral noodles), nose(piece of hot dog), eyeballs(peeled grapes), and liver(jello, the grosest). I made some cupcakes for a treat and I used a plastic glove and froze a hand of ice to float in the punch bowl. It took a lot more time to prepare everything than I expected but the effect was worth it.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Robbie Details
Robbie's detailing cars on Fridays so if anyone is interested give him a call.
Any with 3rd row-$140
He shampoos and everything.
Any with 3rd row-$140
He shampoos and everything.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Kindergarten Pictures

I got Canyon's kindergarten pictures back today. He looks so old I wanted to cry. He's getting too big too soon. Also, I got through the first night of my widows week. It wasn't too bad, it's actually easier taking care of three boys instead of four. AND--Crazy me decided we could have Canyon's halloween party this week so I've started preparing today so everything will be ready on Wednesday. He is so excited.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
AAGGHH, Deer Hunt
Robbie leaves tomorrow for deer hunt. He'll be gone 7 days! How am I going to survive on my own with three kids without him. I may just go crazy. Well, lucky for me, mom lives next door and she's a lot of help. My camera is messed up and I can't get any pictures so maybe in return for letting Robbie hunt for a full week, I'll go buy myself a new camera. That sounds fair, doesn't it?
Sunday, October 12, 2008
2009 Before You Know It
Robbie and I were just talking about how crazy life gets from here on through the end of the year. We have Halloween coming up with parties and trick-or-treating. Then comes November with Thanksgiving and Christmas planning and shopping. December brings holiday parties (friend parties, work parties, family parties, *cousin* parties). Before you know it, it's the end of the year. Life moves too fast, don't you think?
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Kindergarten Whiz Kid
We're halfway through the first quarter of school and Canyon is doing excellent. He likes school, especially computers and recess. He's making lots of friends and I think he has his teacher, Mrs. Dahle, wrapped around his little finger. I volunteer on Fridays and she just goes on and on to me about all the things Canyon says and does. He's doing great at reading too and is at the top of his class.
Hoser Boy
Here is our little pup. Hoser Champion Palmer. Yes, he looks so sweet but he is trouble, trouble, trouble. He makes mess after mess and keeps me up all night. He is pretty smart. We've been teaching him to sit, stay, and speak. Even though he's a pain in my behind, some days I think it would be fun to get him a little girlfriend.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Baby Girl!
No. It's not me with the baby girl. Robbie's sister Kari had her baby. I took Canyon and Rocky in to see her; Robbie stayed home with Sawyer because he hasn't been feeling well. She was just as cute as can be. Her name is Sophie Kate and she looks just like her sister Maggie did.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
This weekend the boys and I went with Grandma Jeannie to Delta to my cousin Dawn's baby shower. We had a good time. When we got home Robbie had a surprise for us. A little cocker spaniel puppy. He is so sweet and cute. Robbie named him Hozer but I want to name him Champ so we'll see if I can change his mind. It's like we have a new baby in the house. We have to take it out several times a night to go potty and it cries if it's not getting enough attention. Grandpa Mike says it must be official that Willie is his dog now. I'll post some pictures soon.
Friday, August 29, 2008
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