So this week I have had a new ambition.....to turn off the darn T.V. and become a better wife, mother, and homemaker. Yes, much of my blame goes directly to that 56" enormous television that sits in my family room. I turn that thing on and it just sucks me in for the rest of the day. Good heavens, I don't know what I would do without my DVR!!! It's almost as bad as my addiction to PEPSI(which I am just not ready to give up yet). I really need to limit my recordings to General Hospital, Dr. Phil, Oprah, Dancing With the Stars, Biggest Loser.....STOP, STOP, STOP! That is only half of my recordings list! You can see that this has gotten out of hand. Now instead of going directly for the remote each morning I am going to turn on some good music-Micheal Buble is my current favorite-and get started doing something productive. I know this will make my life easier which will make my family's life easier. I cannot create the atmosphere I desire in my home if my attention is on things that really don't matter. It has been a couple of days since this new mindset set in and so far so good. I've been playing games with my kids, doing puzzles, reading, and my kitchen has stayed clean...which is a miracle!